To keep myself calm I reminded myself that restaurants are stressful on Valentines. Ever since I read the book Waiter Rant... I sort of see this in a new light. I pity the waiter/ waitresses.
But, going out would be way easier. And I'd be glad to try it next year. Mia would probably cry then.
I felt so bad for her when I told her that Nate and I were going out on the evening of Nate's birthday that we celebrated the night before just for the kids.
We did have fun. Even though Stuart yelled, "Yuck" the entire time and tried to pass me his chewed on food. It was like he knew it was supposed to be classy so he rebelled. Two year olds.
After supper we had Girls Club over. Made cookies. Crazy and fun.
Vanilla Sugar Cookies Recipe
(I add lemon or orange zest)