Ready to travel.
He loves his swing and we took it along to Meadville to visit Aunt Carla!
This vintage lunch bag I found while garage saling with Sonya this spring, it works great to pack Henry's stuff.
Nate's Aunt Ella Mae and Aunt Ruth came to visit baby Henry just an hour before we left. This was nice because I came home to a much cleaner house than normal. Aunt Ruth likes a grand tour. Ella Mae was visiting from South Carolina and how special to spend the day visiting her nieces and nephew's. (These are Nate's aunts)
Somehow I managed to be packed up and ready a day ahead of time. This is so not like me but made the day of departure go so smoothly.
I knew that this bus was loud but until it backs into your drive and startles all the neighbors... you might not fully appreciate it.
Now you see why we had room to take the swing along. Bikes, ice chests, if you think you might want it, take it!
Darren and Sonya kindly chartered us to Meadville in style!
It looks like a bus but no, it's an RV.
Stuart is just in his glory.
Around their Aunt's kitchen table with their cousins. My children do not take this for granted.
Geryll, is that coffee or water? I suddenly want to know.
It was a hot day out for that much coffee. Bless his heart for putting up with us and being a great host.
No sitting still.
My favorite picture.
Alex peddled the big wheel 2 miles across the dam and back.
We Martin's burn the miles between Meadville and Lebanon when we can to see this family!
Uncle Darren a hero to all.
The ride home was warm and the aisle was cooler.
Hank says this beats a car seat any day.

Back in our town. Hope we didn't wake the neighbors.
Managing to eat supper at Applebee's without too much drama. The kids did great.
Watching our kids play together on their cousin's turf. There was lots of hole digging and nail hammering. Tea parties in the girls room and every time I walked in the boys room Stuarts clean clothing was all out of his bag.
Melvin telling us at church that he saw the bus around town the day before, actually he heard it and then he saw it. And someone else had seen it while leaving Home Depot on Saturday and was so shocked to see that same bus show up at church the next day. I guess we were not sneaking around at all.
Nate, Darren, and Sonya walked for ice capps at Tim Horton's Saturday night and met all sorts of people in the back alleys including a bride and groom? Anyhow... the barista at Timmy's was trying to help Nate find something decaf and said, "I'll point to the things that are decaf" and so he was jumping and pointing and it really was no help at all.
Visiting Carla's church.
Olive took a long nap during church Sunday and the first thing she said when she woke up was, "Bus."
It's pretty loud riding in the bus and I figured the sound system to be a joke, not so... music and a road trip.
Realizing friends were not far behind us on their way home from their vacation. Waving at them while they went by.
Hearing the bus long after it was gone last night.