Rhonda High! (comment number 3)
You win! If you could send me your mailing address that would be sweet! Congrats. -Jo
Fragrant Whiffs of Joy
You win! If you could send me your mailing address that would be sweet! Congrats. -Jo
Fragrant Whiffs of Joy

Order the book from Dorcas Smucker at
31148 Substation Drive, Harrisburg, OR 97446.
Books are $12 each plus $2 postage.
Checks or PayPal accepted.
Dorcas Smucker is my favorite. She makes me laugh and then she makes me cry. She is a Mennonite ministers wife and her content is refreshingly similar to the life that I am familiar with. Her house is full of teenagers that come and go and keep her on her toes and keep her pretty current as only teenagers can. She talks about her 100 year old father and appreciates where she came from. She blogs at dorcassmucker.blogspot.com and has written many books.
My favorite chapter in her most recent book is "Serendipity and the Wayward Text". For real... I love stories like this, random stuff that you can't make up... Dorcas sent a text to the wrong number, something about being pregnant and congrats and it went to a maintenance man that worked at some place that she was scheduled to go to. So she got to meet this guy... all very strange and hilarious.
In another chapter I read this.... "The year ahead holds opportunity for adventure, I'm sure of it. There will be new experiences and new skills to learn. But they won't come in green-tinted nature photos shared on an iPhone screen. Instead, they will involve people who need something from me, they'll look like hard work, and they'll take time."
What would be really neat to post right here is a picture of me and Dorcas; but I never met her in real life! Bucket List.
Here she is writing in her natural habitat. (love this picture)
Now for the most sorrowful chapter that I read. "The Words I Said I'd Never Say" Dorcas talks about becoming the older woman who says, "Make sure you enjoy them while they're little. They grow up so fast." to Mom's like me at the grocery store. I got all emotional while I read this because I just hate to hear it. I mean, I should probably love to hear it, and I totally believe it to be true, but I am really struggling right now with my toddlers and I feel bad for not enjoying this stage more. When we put Hank to bed these days? He climbs over Stuart and up the stairs to see what Nate and I are up to... he will do this 4-5 times before settling even though the punishment is the same every time. It's exhausting, and I'm sure it will only last for a short time and very soon I will miss it. (ha! never.) That evening I was telling Nate how I had to cry, and I started reading parts of the chapter aloud to him... and there I was sobbing and laughing all at the same time it was very attractive.
On to the giveaway. Let me a comment. I plan to draw a name randomly Monday morning. U.S. mailing addresses only (it's fine to enter if you live elsewhere, just have me mail it to someone in the U.S.) If you have trouble leaving a comment just message me and I can comment for you. One autographed book will be sent to the winner, compliments of Dorcas herself.
Trying to get a family picture for Grandma's Christmas card...
before it gets too dark at 4:30PM. Dreadful.