Friday, April 16, 2010

Those Moments You Can't Get Enough Of


  1. Lovely pictures! You commented on my blog once, remember? Well ever since, I've been wanting to come on over to your site and ask how you get your pictures and entire blog layout to "enlarge" and be more than those tiny pictures that I deal with on blogger. I love blogger, but this has been my one dislike. Did you totally revamp your own template? I have learned how to get the look I want, except like I said, for more "work space". If you know what I'm asking and how to help, I'd love some tips. =) Thanks.

  2. Thanks *so* much! Wow, I don't know why I waited this long to ask 'cause the site you gave has awesome tips. I am very pleased with my new "control" over my site. =)
